Monday, September 15, 2008

Are we celebrating our Birthday or Other's?

When I was in school it became a very culture to celebrate birthdays on the day of Gregorian calendar calendar we are born. People visted Temples on that day to offer prayers and to get blessings. Most of us believe that it is the day to celebrate our birthday. The fact is that we are celebrating a nonsense day. It is not at all our birthday. You may go the extent of betting on this and try to win the debate over me.

Consider the following

What is a day - A day and night means, the time taken for Earth to rotate around itself

How much time does Earth take to rotate around itself - 23 hours, 56 minutes

What is a year - The time earth takes to revolve around the Sun once

How much time does Earth take to revolve around the sun - 365. 26 days

Then why do they say 365 days - They round it to 365 days and for every four years they round an extra day as 366 days which is called a leap year...

What is a Birthday - It is not the number on Gregorian calendar(because numbers are manipulated, rounded, adjusted). It is the position of Earth with respect to the Sun and with respect to its own axis of rotation.

Is there any other Calendar to know what is my correct birthday? Yes, The Indian Panchang( or the Hindu Calendar , Indian National Calendar which originated from the Vedic ages) which exactly calculates the time and position of stars for each hour in a day for any year.

It is very logical that Earth does not take exactly 24 hours time to rotate nor does it take exactly 365 days to revolve around the Sun. These are man made adjustments. However we need to note that Earth passes through the same path of its travel each year. If we are born at 11:00 AM on 19 April 1976, Earth may be on a (x,y,z) position in a 3-D space. It passes through the same point the next year, not on 19th April 1976 11:00 AM, but some hours before or after. So it is logical to pray to the Gods on the exact position of Earth when we were born than on the numbers that are manipulated which God never created for us.

Follow the Indian calendar and celebrate your birthdays on the right day and not on the wrong day.... You can look examples of Krishnastami, Vinayak Chaturthi, Deepavali, Vijayadasami, Ugadi all these Indian festivals are celebrated on different days each year on a Julian calendar, because they follow the right position of planets, Sun and Stars and not the manipulated numbers.

Celebrate the Right Day... You will be blessed.


Pratul said...

100 percent true. We should celebrate birthday as per Indian calender. But not only that, the way of celebration of birthday has touched abysmal low. That has to be purified again.

Unknown said...

I agree that its good to celebrate our birthdays according to Hindu/Indian calender. But I think even Hindu calender is not exact. I said "I think" because I am not sure and I am searching for a clarification somewhere.
Could you please explain why there is an extra month("adhika masam") concept in Hindu calender if it is exact and calculated taking the decimal values of hours/day and days/year?
If a person took birth in that extra month, how should he/she celebrate that in the coming year which has no extra month.
This is just my doubt and not an argument against your post.
I hope you will clarify this.
Thank you.

Vijay Sridhara said...

Well, Harry, You are right. The Hindu calender is not exact too. The Hindu Calendar counts Lunar day as one day and a Lunar Month is 29.5 days. So the Lunar year is effectively 354 days. Hence for every four years we get an additional month "Adhika masam"...
However the extra month is tagged the month name which follows it. So it is absolutely right to celebrate one's birth day in the "Nija Masa" even if they are born in "Adhika masa". However we need to understand that we still link up with Sun, though we follow the moon, because of the Sun's shift "Uttarayan-Dakshinayan".