Monday, September 15, 2008

Are we celebrating our Birthday or Other's?

When I was in school it became a very culture to celebrate birthdays on the day of Gregorian calendar calendar we are born. People visted Temples on that day to offer prayers and to get blessings. Most of us believe that it is the day to celebrate our birthday. The fact is that we are celebrating a nonsense day. It is not at all our birthday. You may go the extent of betting on this and try to win the debate over me.

Consider the following

What is a day - A day and night means, the time taken for Earth to rotate around itself

How much time does Earth take to rotate around itself - 23 hours, 56 minutes

What is a year - The time earth takes to revolve around the Sun once

How much time does Earth take to revolve around the sun - 365. 26 days

Then why do they say 365 days - They round it to 365 days and for every four years they round an extra day as 366 days which is called a leap year...

What is a Birthday - It is not the number on Gregorian calendar(because numbers are manipulated, rounded, adjusted). It is the position of Earth with respect to the Sun and with respect to its own axis of rotation.

Is there any other Calendar to know what is my correct birthday? Yes, The Indian Panchang( or the Hindu Calendar , Indian National Calendar which originated from the Vedic ages) which exactly calculates the time and position of stars for each hour in a day for any year.

It is very logical that Earth does not take exactly 24 hours time to rotate nor does it take exactly 365 days to revolve around the Sun. These are man made adjustments. However we need to note that Earth passes through the same path of its travel each year. If we are born at 11:00 AM on 19 April 1976, Earth may be on a (x,y,z) position in a 3-D space. It passes through the same point the next year, not on 19th April 1976 11:00 AM, but some hours before or after. So it is logical to pray to the Gods on the exact position of Earth when we were born than on the numbers that are manipulated which God never created for us.

Follow the Indian calendar and celebrate your birthdays on the right day and not on the wrong day.... You can look examples of Krishnastami, Vinayak Chaturthi, Deepavali, Vijayadasami, Ugadi all these Indian festivals are celebrated on different days each year on a Julian calendar, because they follow the right position of planets, Sun and Stars and not the manipulated numbers.

Celebrate the Right Day... You will be blessed.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Proud to be Indian-Hyderabad Auto story!

I always wonder "what makes me a proud Indian? Am I really proud to be an Indian or just the fear of crazy mobs make me say that!". I fear there are only 10% of people in India who live their lives honestly without harming others and without expecting anything from others. I am not sure if I am one among them, but I am certain that I am not in the other 90%. Take for example my journey from Kakinada to Hyderabad on 18 Oct. One of my cousin wanted reservation in the compartment, the ticket collector took an additional 50Rs to confirm his ticket despite the berth being vacant and the TC is paid to do this job by the government. No voice raised and everyone including me tacitly shifted our vision from him, thinking that, there can be nothing better than this deal! Huh!
My wife consumed some eatable in the station and threw the wrappers on to the track. I just observed and after some time I have shown her a board which read "Keep the station clean". I asked her to whom it is applicable! She said that it is for those who litter everywhere, and spit everywhere. I have shown her the wrappers on the track and asked her, if it is applicable to us also. She realized corrected herself the next time. Is each one of us realizing these small mistakes in our lives which we feel are not responsible.
I, my wife and baby got down at the Secunderabad Railway station, which is acclaimed to be the "Dream destination", to which the most respected Metro rail project is to happen. The twin cities which are more than 400 years old in their glory. The city which has got Metropolitan status in the recent past. The city of High-technology; in four words, "The most happening place".
To everybody's dismay, the railway station's auto stand has no autos for passengers to take the trip to their homes. We waited for half an hour and nothing turned up... Some passengers furiously discussed with the Traffic Police officer, but in vain... I ran around to catch an auto outside the check post , but they were demanding double rates to my place. None is ready to take us by metered cost. One was wearing a goddess Durga's "tika", the other was with a big Jesus cross in his neck; another was with a traditional white cap and a small beard. They were not men of words nor are they men in the 10% I talked above... They are those 90% who are shaping this society to void. How shamelessly we acclaim "Mera Bharat Mahan". Would their gods ever tell them, to live a honest life? what best do they pray in their temples, churches and masjids?
I finally had to yield to their demands and take one to get my job done. No go for me! neither could I take a HMTC bus with my family as I had some luggage too which I felt would make others feel inconvenient. Unfortunately, the approach road which leads to my house was dug mercilessly by the municipality and this was yet another reason for the Autowala to demand more money to take an alternate route! Damn!
Brothers and Sisters... This is not the India Gandhi dreamt about.
Teach our children Morals more than Science and Maths. If we don't do that, we will certainly head towards an age of barbarians and not technocrats!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Souring Prices, Solution of the day

Situation of today
What a pathetic Situation India is facing today! No matter what party the government is, the prices are to sour, and the common man is on the roads!When you ask the Prime minister he would say, the world is facing a crisis, not India alone!When the Stock markets failed, India sustained, they said it is because of them. Can we not sustain the crisis of the world today! Obviously we cannot! What are the reasons for this sudden change?A study conducted between 1991 and 2001 showed that India had on an average 70 % of the land area for cultivation in each of the states to feed the population in the 30% of the area.
The Reasons!
With the onset of SEZ and accelerated Industrialization, massive residential zones, we have grabbed upto 15-20% of the fertile agricultural land . What is the impact? Raise in the prices of essential commodities by many fold.

We, a nuclear family, used to spend for provisions a sum of 1500Rs. and now it goes to 2100Rs. For vegetables, it used to be Rs.100 a week, now it goes 200Rs. I once visited to buy a small piece of land near to Shamshabad, though it did not materialize as I wanted it for residential purpose and not for investments.The Panchayat president had 24 acres of fertile agricultural land sold to the builders and promoters to lay out the residential plots. How pity it is! The farmers just see the shining gold that fills their bags and the builders are just after making money at the shortest span of time. The NRIs are earning relentlessly just to invest in the Land in India, though they don't really need to. I know many people who own more than three residential plots, even more than five plots. These sick affluent people are least bothered what would happen to their fellow beings. They just want their families to just enjoy the life by grabbing the land with the power of money, which unfortunately is not regulated today. But with this trend, the D-Day is very near when the common man, unable to make his ends meet, will come on to roads and go the way of a burglar which is not only a negative indication of a spoilt society and take my word, these affluent people of today will come on to roads or have to keep Z- category security which will squeeze out their bank balances in no time. Where do we run then?

The Solution
I propose a five point solution to problem after lot of analysis. People have to become a little selfless in terms of buying land (You don't need to donate anything at all!)

  1. NRIs and affordable people should limit their purchase of land(2 plots should be a limit)
  2. Builders and promoters should find alternate businesses
  3. Agricultural land should not be regularized in the coming five years
  4. Government should consider action plan to increase the cultivation land and promote agriculture
  5. SEZ and other Industrial areas are to be given barren lands for their development.

As Gandhiji said, we need to balance the Industry and Agriculture in our small country when compared with our population.

Friends, make Inda a better place to live....